18 June 2024

Focus Group Discussion: Green Academy Indonesia Review Syllabus and Module

Jakarta, Indonesia - The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) through the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (UNPAGE) project, successfully conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the development of curricula, syllabus, and reference modules supporting the Green Academy Platform. The FGD was held over two days: June 13, 2024, online via Zoom Meeting, and June 14, 2024, at The Hermitage Hotel, Jakarta. Invitations were extended to Bappenas, WRI Indonesia, GIZ, OPML, experts, and the UNPAGE Project.

On the first day, discussions focused on the basic concepts of the green and low-carbon economy, as well as the structure of the proposed curriculum, sylllabus, and modules. Participants, including development partners and experts, provided valuable feedback through group discussions and interactive Q&A sessions. The day concluded with constructive inputs for refining the curriculum documents.

The second day continued with an in-depth discussion on the syllabus, reference modules, and sample teaching materials. Participants thoroughly examined various aspects of the curriculum, syllabus, and modules that required further adjustments. The insights gained from these discussions were synthesized into the final draft of the curriculum, syllabus, and reference modules. The event concluded with a summary of the discussion outcomes and a plan for the next steps in implementing the refined documents.

Overall, the FGD successfully gathered a wealth of valuable input from the participants. These contributions will be instrumental in enhancing the curriculum, syllabus, and reference modules, which are expected to significantly benefit the development of a green and low-carbon economy in Indonesia. Participants were highly enthusiastic and provided many innovative ideas that are expected to be incorporated into the teaching materials, syllabus, and modules for the Green Academy Platform. We extend our sincere gratitude to all parties who participated and contributed to this FGD. The feedback and suggestions provided will form a strong foundation for the development of more effective and relevant curricula, syllabus, and reference modules. The excellent cooperation among all stakeholders was key to the success of this FGD.